5 CGI Marketing Ideas for This Christmas

5 CGI Marketing Ideas for This Christmas

Table of Contents:

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. CGI Marketing Ideas for Your Christmas Campaign
  • 2.1. Unpacking
  • 2.2. Brand Mascot
  • 2.3. Flying Message
  • 2.4. Store Welcoming
  • 2.5. Date Countdown
  • Key Takeaways on CGI Content for Your Marketing Campaign


In the world of Marketing and Advertising, CGI commercials have become a prominent trend, captivating audiences with hyper-realistic 3D objects and scenes. As a content production creative agency, we recognise the power of CGI videos and CGI ads in driving engagement and brand awareness.

Major brands, including Adidas, L'Oreal, Gucci, UGG, Jacqueline, and more, have harnessed the potential of CGI for Marketing and Advertising through one or more creative campaigns in 2023. From inflatable bags to flying shoes, CGI has unequivocally emerged as the key player in the modern advertising toolkit.

Undoubtedly, it has become one of marketers' most cherished creative assets. This uncannily realistic content can be customised to serve various marketing objectives, such as enhancing brand awareness, boosting product launches, and increasing conversions or in-store visits. 

Additionally, it serves as a cost-effective advertising solution, allowing you to achieve viral social media reach without the need for expensive out-of-home billboards or the construction of physical Christmas pop-up stores or mascots.

2. CGI Marketing Ideas for Your Christmas Campaign

As the festive season approaches, in this article, we've prepared five ideas for marketers to leverage CGI commercials this Christmas.

2.1. Unpacking 

Often referred to as e-commerce unboxing or product unboxing, it is now common for packaging to serve as the initial physical interaction that a consumer has with a brand. People enjoy discovering all the intricate details within their orders. Now, imagine the thrill of seeing your Christmas advert being unpacked in the main squares of the largest cities.

2.2. Brand Mascot 

Mascots are fictional characters or figures used by companies or brands as part of their advertising or marketing campaigns. They can help create a visual identity for a brand and make it more recognizable to consumers. A well-designed CGI mascot can make a brand stand out from its competitors and leave a lasting impression on consumers.

2.3. Flying Message 

The sky is the limit, but not for the CGI commercial. Fake branded helicopters, drones, and planes are used quite often to spread the brand message in the sky and carry some giant brand products. Easy to make but strong in messaging, it could be a good idea for your Christmas campaign. But let's make it Santa's sleigh or flying Snowban this time.

2.4. Store Welcoming 

Charm your customers at Christmas with a fairytale store entrance. The entrance determines how welcomed a customer feels and how likely they are to enter your store. Increase store appeal and drive sales by decorating your store entrance with CGI-generated visuals that allow you to unleash your imagination, bringing to life elves, snow globe, or hanging giant Christmas stockings.

2.5. Date Countdown 

Countdown timers can also help increase engagement with your marketing campaign by creating a sense of excitement and anticipation. You can do this by promising a valuable opportunity when the countdown reaches zero. For example, you can create a CGI-generated Countdown Billboard to boost your campaign launch.

3. Key Takeaways on CGI Content for Your Marketing Campaign 

The versatility of CGI in marketing campaigns offers boundless opportunities for creativity and engagement. As you harness the power of CGI, remember to align your immersive experiences with the event story and prioritise the end-user, ensuring a seamless blend of digital innovation and consumer appeal.

If you have any questions or ideas you want to share, please get in touch with us.


Q: What are CGI ads?

A: CGI ads, or Computer-Generated Imagery ads, are advertisements that utilize digital techniques to create hyper-realistic 3D objects and scenes, blending them seamlessly with real-world surroundings. These ads are known for their ability to engage audiences with visually stunning and immersive content.

Q: Why is CGI so costly?

A: CGI can be expensive due to the complexity of creating high-quality computer-generated imagery. The costs involve skilled professionals, advanced software, and extensive rendering time. Achieving realism and attention to detail in CGI often requires a significant investment.

Q: How long does it take to animate CGI?

A: The time required to animate CGI varies depending on the complexity and xomaxity of the project. For a 15-second social media video with CGI animation, it can take anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks. More intricate animations with detailed scenes and characters may take longer, while simpler animations can be completed more quickly.

At a glance

This article explores the rising trend of CGI commercials in the realm of Marketing and Advertising, citing major brands like Adidas and L'Oreal embracing hyper-realistic 3D content in 2023. Recognizing CGI's power in driving engagement and brand awareness, it details its role as a cherished creative asset for marketers. The article then offers five CGI marketing ideas for the Christmas season, ranging from festive unboxing experiences to imaginative store entrances.

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